Friday, June 19, 2009


As I was finishing packing for a trip to Southern Cal, I couldn't help but think of how much fun the month of May was. We actually did quite a bit but I didn't bother to blog about any of it. For the sake of remembrance and just in case anyone is interested-I'll give the short version!
I made a great Honey Citrus Glazed Baked Salmon! Yummy

We went to Nevada to watch a very good friend be sworn in as a Family Court Judge and even ate at one our favorite places: Memphis BBQ! Really Yummy!!!

We (meaning Richard and my father-in-law) made a pine wood derby car so I could participate in our ward's Annual Pine Wood Derby Night! My (our) car was named "The Gangsta" because of the AWESOME style I chose. Isn't she pretty?

The car that everyone said would be too slow to win because of its boxy look ended up taking Second Place! Not bad for my first Derby, eh? At the end, I went head to head with another to see who had the fastest car. Guess who took First Place? You guessed it-Richard! We totally surprised ourselves!!! But at least I have one picture showing that I had a faster time for one of the races! Can you tell I'm proud?
And that's the month of May for us! I'll be back sometime soon with pictures from our trip to the California Coast!!!!

1 comment:

Darilyn said...

Your car is awesome. I totally love it. And that salmon looks incredible. You better have some of that bread you make in your suitcase when you arrive here in Oregon. I think that some serious munching needs to occur!