Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lost Time...

Where do I begin? I caught a cold back in September...I'm sure stress had something to do with it. Regardless, this little cold would stay a few days and disappear for one day and come back worse and stay and leave and come back again. By November I had no choice but to finally break down and go see my doctor. I put it off because most of the time, they can't do anything for a cold. However, this one had been around too long and I was desperate for help. The first round of medicine didn't work so I made my way back to Margaret in December...chest x-rays were normal but I had developed Pleurisy so they gave me another round of antibiotics and a 10 day supply of prednisone. Amazingly, I got better but, unfortunately, I cracked a rib during my recovery while coughing. Cracked ribs hurt...BAD! Having spent the last few months sick and tired and not wanting to do anything-I was super happy when I finally felt like doing things again. So having missed Christmas and New Years Eve weekends doing nothing but sleep, I found myself acting like a kid on the weekend when the first Holiday of the year came around I got to take a day off work. I was creative...and domestic...two things that really aren't in my nature. I woke up early on Monday and headed out of the house to gather the many items I would need for my planned activities. I came home...sprayed the oven with Oven Off, pulled out my sewing machine (YES, I have one), I gathered some tile, and measured and cut some material, I went through boxes in the basement to find the perfect things for my new office desk, I painted one project and sewed things with the machine. I was productive in every sense of the word and I was HAPPY! My oven is CLEAN...I cleaned it ONLY because I had to. A long story short: Richard insisted on using the self clean option months ago and I told him that if he did that he would need to clean it out when it was done. He didn't clean it so I left the junk that collected on the bottom in an effort to "teach him a lesson." Lesson didn't work; oven caught on fire! I made pillows to help cover the damage Dora did to our sofa. I painted a magnet board for the office. I actually shortened my new temple dress on my own and man does it look AWESOME. I made a tile sign for my friends daughter who is getting baptized on Saturday. I put the finishing touches on the new office desk we bought and it actually looks good-I even found some metal stars shoved in the back of a closet that I bought 2 years ago and hung them on the wall. I mean, I really did a ton of stuff and I can't get over how cool it all turned out to be. Even the oven-I could eat on the surface if I wanted too. Life is good and I'm glad I'm finally better and can't wait til my rib heals.


Darilyn said...

How did you get all that done in one day? I need lessons from you in productivity. Your projects look great. Thanks for the update and i'm glad you are feeling better. We are not coming out in February like I had previously mentioned in case you were wondering.

Adrienne said...

I am officially impressed. What do you mean you're not crafty? You blow me out of the water. Love the desk. And the stars. We put one on our front door.

Sorry about the cracked rib. Maybe we should go out to eat. That might help. And this time you can pick :)

Quinn said...
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Quinn said...

I feel your pain - I've been sick (2x flu)for awhile now too. You just lack energy to do ANYTHING! I hope I get my energy back as good as you seem to have (and my will to DO) because I am going to need it for our move starting March 1st. I LOVE your office! It's beautiful and immaculate and the stars are cool! - you don't really WORK in there do you? Ha ha. I love the plaque, but I love mine too! It makes me think of you too. I packed it away last week so it didn't get broken with the chaos that is ensuing here with packing. Thanks for the blog update. Love, Quinn
ps - had to delete this, forgot that the doorbell rang in the middle and what I had written didn't make any sense.