Monday, November 30, 2009

What's New

I wasn't sure if I would even remember how to log into my blog since it's been so long since I've written anything...time goes by soooo fast sometimes! Since October, Dora has grown by leaps and bounds. She had emergency surgery at the beginning of November because her two front teeth refused to fall out and became a serious problem. Three weeks later she went in to be fixed and she has surprised us with her energy. She has decided she likes to dig and now that the snow has started to fall and the weather has turned cold she picked a new place to file her claws...our leather sofa. I don't know why she does it or when...but we're just praying she keeps it to the sofa and doesn't move along to the love seat or chair. For now, new throw pillows are on our shopping list for Christmas. Dora actually loves the snow. She plays in it for hours and its almost impossible to keep her inside. She takes after her father!
Before the leaves fell, we took a drive through the mountains on the West side of Salt Lake. We came across some cows and it reminded me of the Rood Farm in Coos Bay. I remember feeding baby calves with a bottle once at the Rood Farm. I really like cows, isn't this one cute?
The past few weeks I've been learning my lines and loving my time serving in the Temple. It's such a beautiful place. Our schedules change every three months and right now I have the opportunity to work in the laundry for one hour during my 6 hour shift. I never thought doing laundry would be fun...but it really is. There is exactness in everything we do at the Temple-even when it comes to the laundry. I've also received a new calling in my ward. I've moved from teaching in Relief Society to serving as the Assistant Nursery Leader. I was so worried the children wouldn't like me...after all, my practice with the little ones is limited. But one Sunday after Sacrament meeting one of the kids ran to me and pulled me from my seat by the hand so I could take her to Nursery...along the way one of the little boys grabbed on to my leg as we walked out of the Chapel. It was a very special moment for me. I love serving in the Nursery and my only disappointment is that I wasn't called sooner. Sister Thulin has great things planned and I am so glad I get to help her fulfill her vision of what nursery time should be.
This past weekend we celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary! I think I married a pretty cool guy...I really like him! We also had the opportunity to drive to Idaho Falls to attend graveside services for Richard's Uncle. Uncle Lynn arrived home less than 3 months ago from a Temple Mission in Chile with his wife, Marion. The first week home he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. From the stories we've heard from his children, this was an amazing and spiritual time for his family. He was a great man who accomplished great things while serving the Lord during his life. Richard and I hope to do more in our lives to be like him.
Love to everyone! The Ogden's


Darilyn said...

Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people.

Dora is so dang cute and it's funny that she loves the snow so much.

Sorry to hear about Richard's uncle. I'm glad they were able to finish their mission and were home with family when receiving such sad news.

I miss you guys.

Quinn said...

What beautiful newly weds you were. Happy Anniversary. Oooh, don't get me started on puppies. We have a 12 week old now. She has clawed the wallpaper off the walls. I can be calm about this ONLY because we are moving in 3 months and I don't think whoever takes over this rental will keep the wallpaper as it is anyway.