Monday, June 14, 2010

My Love For Reading

I've always loved to read. I've just never felt like I ever had the time to do it. That changed last fall when my friend, Jacque, gave me a book to read. I couldn't stop. From September 2009 - December 2009 I read 28 books.
My goal this year is to read one book a week. 52 books! My other goal is to read all books written by Anne Rice. Why? Because a friend told me that she loved her style of writing. And having read, Interview with a Vampire, I agreed. She's been lending me the books and I've been reading them along with other books that I have found along the way. It really isn't a vampire thing-even though my list might make you wonder if I have an obsession. But even if I did; would it matter? Totally recommend-DRACULA!
For the most part, I have found that I love crime dramas. It started with a book by David Hosp. I love him! I read his book, Innocence, and fell in love with the characters. I was disappointed when I finished the book because I didn't know how I was going to finish the rest of the week without "Scott Finn" in my life. It was shortly thereafter that I discovered David's web page and I realized I had read book 2 in a series. I was super excited and am waiting for book 3 to come out in paperback before I read the entire series. Since then, I have compiled a list of 450 books that I hope to read in the near future. Most of them are book series-some having as many as 27 books. I guess that's the great thing about getting started with my passion so late in the game. All the books are completed and I don't have to wait year after year for a new book. I'm currently starting book 39 this year (I left a hard core romance series about vampires off my list...Black Dagger Brotherhood 4-ever)-My current read is a 14 book series by Lee Child-otherwise known as the Jack Reacher novels. AWESOME!
My obsession with reading has Richard shaking his head. He's requiring me to get a library card. So until that day arrives, I'm borrowing books from my friends and hitting all the Internet paperback sells I can find. I love books-almost as much as I love shoes, purses and pedicures!
I'd love to know if you have any interesting reads out
there and what you would recommend!


Darilyn said...

Thanks for the recommendations. I will have to try out some of those books. I recommend Jane Kirkpatrick. An amazing Oregon author. Start with the Kinship and Courage series and then read "A Gathering of Finches" it's historical fiction about the settling of Coos Bay/North Bend. Amazing.

Quinn said...

I've realized through the years that I really like a good spy thriller. Lot's of action, some good old WW2, a spy called Bernard Samson and everything is good. When I visited Berlin for the very first time, an American I met there recommended me the series and I loved them. The author has written several trilogies around the same spy charachter Bernard Samson. Author: Len Deighton. I think you start with Spy Hook (followed by Spy Line and Spy Sinker) There are too many books and oh too little time in my mind.