Monday, October 11, 2010

Neglecting My Duties...

As I prepare my house for our leave for New York next week, I'm noticing that I've become very neglectful of my responsibilities.  The laundry is seriously backed up and I have cobwebs forming on my chandelier over the kitchen table. There also seems to be more dust than usual and weeds have sprouted all over the yard.  I was complaining to my husband about the uncleanliness and he simply looked at me, picked up the phone, the newsletter from Joseph Finder, and my newest book for my reading enjoyment then shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes.  Richard didn't have to say a word.  I knew exactly what he was thinking because I'm a very smart chick.   Believe it or not, intelligence does lurk behind these beautiful eyes that I believe to be so "Reacher Worthy." 

I'm addicted to reading because I love a good story.  Although my tweets have yet to be proven useful, I'm loving my Twitter time because I'm tweeting with some really great people.   I also love the Facebook thing because I love to see what is happening with the people that I know personally as well as those that I know through blogging  and tweeting.  Now it's just a matter of balancing all of these with my "real" time.  How do I stay caught up on my tweets at work when I'm supposed to be working?  How can I update my Facebook status when I'm supposed to be writing motions and preparing trial subpoenas?  How can I read without it interfering with my time at home with my spouse?  At moments when I'm contemplating these things, I begin to envy my writer friends in Twitter world.  You make life seem so much easier on your side of the tweet.

This week I broke my addiction to all the above things to my supervisor.  She giggled and then offered to enroll me in some Internet intervention thing on A&E.  I'll have you know that just by telling her that I felt I was having a problem helped me to change my behavior at work.  I checked my Twitter status three times today; during break, during lunch, and during my afternoon break.  I was very proud of myself and I didn't even feel like I had missed out on anything.  I even made a couple of new Twitter friends.  I love Twitter friends.  If you catch me at just the right moment you'll hear me refer to them as my Twitter Family.  Ahhhh - So sweet.  I seriously doubt they feel the same.  But, for those of you that know me, does this surprise you?  I can find family in everything these days.  Work, neighborhood, church, Twitter, Facebook, book club, blogging...

I even made some changes at home.  Today, after being inspired by APMonkey on Twitter, I came home and made a delicious meal for my husband.  I even volunteered to bake fresh bread for our book club tomorrow.  Yes, if APMonkey can find time to read, blog, watch sports, and cook serious gourmet meals, than I know I can too. Or, at least give it a try! I didn't even bring a book home to read tonight.  Now that really means something.  My husband was impressed and very appreciative of my new friend on Twitter.  See honey, Twitter friends can be good!

Well, all I can say is I'm doing better.  Yep - I'm writing this as my husband is steam cleaning the carpets in the part of the house that I chose not to do this weekend so I could finish that book I was reading and write a new post for my book blog.  Richard is so patient and kind.  I seriously love this man! Better go bleach my teeth.  I've got to look good for that book signing next week! Hmmm- I guess I'll clean the bathroom while I'm in there. ;)


Sara said...

I feel the same way. I love a good book almost as much as you and sometimes it is hard to decide between doing things in your "real" life and going to far-away places where your imagination is limitless. I love reading your blog...keep up the good work!!

Unknown said...

Balance in life is a good thing, but remember that doing the things you enjoy is just as important. Life is too short to just worry about cobwebs, dust bunnies, work, and such. But always make time for the one you love, he is a good man.

Unknown said...

I contacted A&E and they said because Twitter and Facebook mania is sweeping the globe and is currently not a diagnosable addiction, they would not entertain the idea of signing you up for a future episode of Intervention. I was utterly shocked at their lack of compassion, until I noticed on their website an invitation to follow them on Facebook and on their Twitter Feed. The next thing you know, they'll be selling cocaine to children and foregoing those episodes as well! Hypocrites!

Unknown said...

I was wondering when you were going to admit that your phone, reading, and blogging had taken over your life...I'm sure you'll make it up to Richard when you are in New York to see that man with the pretty blue eyes you keep talking about at work. After reading the book you gave me and looking at his picture, I too, feel that he has the most "beautiful blue eyes ever seen in a photograph." Are you sure I can't come with you to the book signing?

Your blogs make me happy and I love you for sharing your life with us!

Christine said...

Have a wonderful time in NYC. How exciting is this going to be for you and Richard to attend a book signing with the Reacher author. woooo hoooo!! Watch out NYC, Sabrina/Kate will be landing in your city so take care of her. As far as Mr. Lee Child is concerned, aaaaahhh!!!! Thanks for all your delightful insights of LIFE!