Thursday, October 7, 2010

One Of "those" People -

Are you one of "those" people?  You know who they are.  They are the ones who come to dinner at a restaurant and instead of conversing, they text their way through the meal.  I was at lunch with my friend about six months ago and we saw this really great looking family come in and take a seat at a table next to us.  It was hard not to notice them.  It was the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week and they were the only family in the place.  One thing, however, became clear.  They weren't there to visit with each other; at least not verbally.  Stephanie and I found the scene so interesting we could hardly focus on our meals let alone our own verbal conversation.  We were fascinated.  All we could do was watch.  We were practically eaves dropping, but without hearing a word of the conversation.  We felt bad about our conduct, but really, we couldn't stop looking at them no matter how hard we tried not to.  You  have to imagine it.  They would be sitting there in complete silence and they would all be focused on their phones.  Then without warning, they would all start laughing at the same time.   It never ended.  Just when we  thought they'd be finished they would chuckle and snort all over again.  It was truly crazy.  Towards the end, we became disgusted.  So much so, that we vowed right then and there to NEVER be "those" kind of people.

As of last month, I am now officially one of "those" people.  Sorry friends, but now that I know what it's all about, I can't promise I'll reverse my broken vow.  I will try much harder to keep my phone in my purse during lunch and to only check Facebook and Twitter in between drink refills and bathroom breaks.  That's about all you're going to get from me right now.  I may commit to more at a later date.  Just don't rush me on this.  Richard has found that the best way to get me off the Facebook and Twitter thing during outings together is to send me a text that requires a response.  It works great.  I suggest this as an alternative to being angry with me.  One text, works best.  Promise!


Sara said...

I have a cousin that is one of "those" people. If he asks to go with me I ask myself why. He is on his phone in the car on the way, walking through the store or eating somewhere, and almost the whole way home. Sometimes I can't tell where he ends and the phone begins. Love your posts!

Unknown said...

Oh Brina, You have totally turned into one of those people, but we will forgive you. Keep on blogging, Tweeten, and keeping us posted on FB. We all love your thoughts.

angelabarra99 said...

I know alot of THOSE people too and it drives me crazy but i love you so its not a prob....

Darilyn said...

Sometimes it's hard to not put it away when you need to be having a conversation with your spouse or child and it needs to happen right then. The problem I see with all of this instant communication is that because we become so available, when we aren't available people become irritated with you. "Why didn't you answer your phone?" "Why didn't you reply to my text?" I feel like I can't put my phone on silence because I will undoubtedly get someone upset. I've started saying to my family "I'm putting my phone on silent for the next two hours." That way they know that they can't get a hold of me.

Yikes, what have we come to? I mean it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. Just something we have to figure out.

Unknown said...

I told you that I was fully prepared to contact the A&E Network and set up a formal intervention if your condition worsened. This constant state of checking emails, texting, twittering, blah-blah-blah is known best as a Blackberry Prayer. (Think about it...your head is bowed and your hands clasped together.) Stop the madness Sabrina!

gbeck said...

I'm certainly not one of those people, but I'm old and did not grow up with the cell phone and all it does. My phone only makes calls and doesn't do all of the fancy stuff. But I love you--even if you're one of "those" people and love to go to lunch with you anytime!!